CYVN Workshops
Chicago Youth Voices Network (CYVN) with the Nuf-Said 2.0 project lead an effort to build a city-wide web portal that uses youth media to highlight the multiple issues impacting Chicago's young people. The final product is a web platform with three portals: an online platform and participatory community, a collaborative web portal that will coordinate and distribute youth media content, and finally a space in which youth can share with their peers. I have helped with this project as both teacher and designer by assisting in facilitating workshops on media development strategies, UX approaches, and creating agreed terms of use and governance with a group of young adults from various communities around Chicago who created the NUF Said Youth Editorial Board. This is all run by CYVN Project Manager, Dawn Graham, and with help from LimeRed Studios, Natalia Smirnov (Northwestern University), and many others. The site was branded and designed by myself. To see more about my branding and design process, click HERE.