Stacza Lipinski and Paul Nudd approach their work from the gut level: compulsive making that combines nausea and nervousness. In their respective studios, both artists find great comfort in being surrounded by piles of unfinished things. Gush is a way of making and seeing. The meandering mind, a gush of thoughts, an eruption of ideas and whims lead to visceral works on paper fixated on mark making and rupturing textures; in short, a prolific and often formless pile of bilious and luscious things. For this show, Stacza and Paul exhibited sculpture, collage, and a few videos and will risk their reputations and friendship to create a collaborative cut-paper wall installation made out of miscellaneous studio detritus, castaways, outtakes and B-sides. Dubbed the Interactive Remnant Wall Installation or IRWIn, Lipinski and Nudd play off one another’s most recognizable tropes: mutated figures and embryos, amorphous shapes and drips, unruly color and patterns, ambiguous bacterial dilemmas.